The Karnataka High Court ruled that a 19-year-old engineering student, along with a 32-year-old student, “love is blind and a more powerful weapon than the love of parents”. Her college bus driver got married with her and she was with him without notifying her parents. Habeas corpus plea filed in court.
The bench consists of Judge Hemaleka and Judge B.Veerappa made these observations on a recent order and made these observations.
Habeas corpus petition filed by the father of a girl who claims that her daughter’s college bus driver has been illegally imprisoned his daughter.
His petition was dismissed when the girl appeared in court with her husband. Both are completely fine. However, the court expressed concern over the plight of her parents, who were worried about her daughter’s well-being, and said she was able to convince her parents to marry a man of her choice rather than elope. If she would tried than such pitiful situation would not be faced by her parents. Lover should have the strength to standby their love in front of their parents rather to elope.
The court said Parents need to create a good atmosphere for their families through love and affection and children also couldn’t enjoy the luxury of life and educational opportunities without parents. You need to understand that to face the problem is only the situation.
It is now that children should know that life is reaction, reverberation, and remorse. What they are doing to their parents today, they will get same in return tomorrow, the court said.
“It should be noted that the decision on a partner’s suitability for a couple’s bond lies solely with the person. Neither the state nor society can invade the area,” the court told the newlyweds’ parents that they were happy. Encouraged them to accept happiness of their children.
The court suggested that couples allegedly married in the temple should register their marriage with the competent authority, but the court directed the husband’s guarantee to protect and care for his wife.
It’s very necessary at present time that parents should create happy environment in the family so that the children not feel afraid of them and can tell them what they want. The decision to choose life partner is lies with the children.