Rahul Gandhi has been disqualified as a member of the Lok Sabha from the date of his conviction in the criminal defamation case on March 23 over his ‘Modi surname’ remark.

Congress leader Rahul Ghandhi has been disqualified as a member of the Lok Sabha from the date of his conviction by a Surat court in the criminal defamation case on March 23 over his Modi Surname remark.

After a lengthy trial, Gandhi was found guilty of defamation and sentenced to two years in prison. His legal team argued that his comments were not directed at a particular community but were rather aimed at highlighting the issue of corruption in the country. They argued that the comment was not made with any intention to defame anyone, and that Gandhi’s remarks should be seen in the context of a political speech during an election rally.

Gandhi has been granted 30 days’ bail to challenge the order in the High Court. If the High Court upholds the order.

Now today Rahul Ghandhi has been disqualified as a member of the Lok Sabha i.e 24.03.2023

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