• Dipali biswas and others versus Nirmalendu Mukherjee and others, 2012 is the civil suit for the execution of decree. The apex court asks students to read complete judgment for understanding in a better way about execution of a civil decree. In five decades five litigations initiated by litigant for execution the civil decree. Various sections related to the execution of civil decree in CPC are dealt in this case.
  • Supreme court held that after the examination of evidence produced before court. if they prove no willingness on the part of plaintiff to perform his part of contract then the decree of specific performance of contract would not be granted by the court. For taking the remedy of specific performance it’s necessary to prove the readiness on the part of plaintiff to perform his contract.
  • The accused taken the goods from the forest might not have the knowledge of his illegal act. Section 69 of kerala forest act says that it should be presumed that the goods produced in forest belong to the government. It doesn’t talks about the criminal intention of accused.( Bharath booshan aggarwal vs state of kerla, 2021). The case against the accused for taking the goods out of the forest without the permission of government.
  • In Bharath booshan aggarwal vs state of kerla, 2021 the court overrule his earlier judgement and held that the product produced by the human labour from forest goods is also forest produce. In this case the court declares the sandalwood as forest produce.
  • In consumer case the deficiency in goods and service will be proved by the complainant in court held by the bench of apex court.
  • The candidate cannot claim appointment as a matter of right if he discloses his criminal records to the employer. The employer still has the right to consider his criminal records before giving him such appointment. In this case the person was acquitted by benefit of doubt because the witness turned hostile. This would not entitle him to get the appointment in disciplined force held by apex court in Union of India vs Mithu meda, 2021.
  • The records of revenue is not a document of title held by the apex court in Prabhagiya van Adhikari awadh van prabhag vs arun kumar bhardwaj(dead), 2009  . Further the court added that the lessee cannot claim any right over the property on the basis of the entries in revenue records.

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