In a significant milestone, the Delhi High Court has inaugurated a state-of-the-art Disaster Recovery (DR) Centre at the Madura’ Bench of the Madras High Court. The centre, inaugurated by Madras High Court Chief Justice Sanjay Vijaykumar Gangapurwala and Delhi High Court judge Justice Rajiv Shakdher, marks a pioneering step in ensuring the safety and security of critical data and applications.
Ensuring Continuity Amidst Challenges
The inauguration ceremony, attended by Delhi High Court judges Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva and Justice Sanjeev Narula, underscores the commitment to ensuring seamless continuity of court proceedings and services even in the face of unforeseen challenges. The Disaster Recovery Centre, equipped with advanced infrastructure and connectivity, will serve as a live backup for all data and applications of the Delhi High Court and district courts in the national capital.
Advanced Infrastructure for Resilience
The installation of high-end NetApp Network-Attached Storage (NAS) units at both the Delhi High Court premises and the Disaster Recovery Centre in Madurai ensures robust data storage and accessibility. This infrastructure not only enhances the resilience of the Delhi High Court’s IT systems but also strengthens its ability to withstand potential threats such as natural calamities, cyber attacks, or infrastructure failures.
Minimizing Downtime, Maximizing Efficiency
The establishment of the Disaster Recovery Centre signifies a proactive approach towards minimizing downtime and maximizing operational efficiency. In the event of any disruption or inaccessibility of onsite data, the Centre will facilitate a swift transition to backup systems, enabling the Delhi High Court to resume its functioning without undue delay. This ensures that court proceedings and services remain uninterrupted, safeguarding the interests of litigants and stakeholders.
Commitment to Data Security and Continuity
By leveraging the capabilities of the Disaster Recovery Centre, the Delhi High Court reaffirms its commitment to data security, continuity, and resilience. The Centre serves as a testament to the judiciary’s adaptability and preparedness in the face of evolving challenges. It reflects a proactive stance towards harnessing technology to uphold the principles of justice and ensure seamless access to legal services for all.
The inauguration of the Disaster Recovery Centre at the Madurai Bench of the Madras High Court marks a significant milestone in the journey towards ensuring continuity and resilience in the judiciary. With advanced infrastructure and robust connectivity, the Centre stands poised to safeguard critical data and applications, enabling the Delhi High Court to uphold its mandate of delivering justice effectively and efficiently. As the legal landscape continues to evolve, initiatives such as this underscore the judiciary’s unwavering commitment to adaptability, innovation, and service excellence.