In a recent ruling, the Delhi High Court has dismissed a public interest litigation challenging the stringent qualifications set by the Union Ministry of Education for the appointment of Directors at Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). The division bench, comprising Acting Chief Justice Manmohan and Justice Manmeet Pritam Singh Arora, upheld the Centre’s notification mandating first-class degrees in both Bachelor’s and Master’s, coupled with a Ph.D. or equivalent from a reputed institute.

The court emphasized that the amendment aimed at ensuring the selection of the best talent for the crucial role of a Director at IIMs. According to the bench, the higher merit stipulation reduces the likelihood of political interference and ensures that candidates possess a commendable academic background.

The dismissed plea, filed by Firoz Ahmad, contested the November 10 notification, arguing that the amended qualifications lacked a connection to the objective of attracting visionary leaders and institution builders. Ahmad claimed that the changes were detrimental to both the institution and prospective students.

However, the court rejected Ahmad’s arguments, stating that he failed to establish how the notification violated Section 8 of the Indian Institute of Management Act, 2017, or exhibited discrimination based on sex, race, creed, caste, or class.

The judges, In their verdict, affirmed, “This Court is of the view that stipulation of higher merit for a post in an educational institution cannot be the basis to set aside the stipulation on the ground that it restricts the talent pool.” The court’s decision reflects a commitment to maintaining high academic standards in the leadership of prestigious educational institutions like IIMs.

Mr. Nitin Dayal, Advocate, representing the petitioner, and Mr. Zubin Singh, Advocate for Ms. Nidhi Raman, CGSC for the Union of India, presented their arguments during the proceedings. The court’s decision, encapsulated in the order, serves as a significant precedent, affirming the importance of academic excellence in the leadership of premier educational institutions.

Background and Context

The litigation arose from the Union Ministry of Education’s decision to amend the qualifications required for the appointment of Directors at IIMs. The revised criteria mandated first-class degrees in both Bachelor’s and Master’s, in addition to a Ph.D. or equivalent qualification from a reputed institute. Firoz Ahmad, the petitioner, contested these changes, asserting that they were arbitrary and did not align with the objective of appointing visionary leaders.

Court’s Rationale

The Delhi High Court, in its detailed judgment, justified the stringent qualifications by emphasizing the need for the best talent in educational leadership. The court expressed concerns about potential political interference and asserted that the higher merit stipulation would mitigate such risks. The judgment further highlighted the court’s belief that raising the bar for educational leaders would ultimately benefit the institutions and students.

Rejection of the Petitioner’s Plea

The court firmly rejected Firoz Ahmad’s plea, citing a lack of evidence to substantiate claims of violation of the Indian Institute of Management Act, 2017, or discrimination based on various factors. The judges underlined the importance of maintaining academic rigor and dismissed the petition on grounds of merit.

Significance of the Verdict

The Delhi High Court’s decision sets a precedent for upholding rigorous qualifications for leadership roles in educational institutions. By endorsing the Centre’s notification, the court signals a commitment to elevating academic standards and reducing the influence of extraneous factors in the selection process for key positions at IIMs.


In concluding remarks, the court stated, “Accordingly, present writ petition and application, being bereft of merit, are dismissed.” The judgment reinforces the principle that high academic standards are integral to the leadership of prestigious educational institutions, ensuring that only the most qualified and capable individuals assume crucial roles. The decision is expected to have a lasting impact on the criteria for appointments in similar institutions and reinforces the importance of academic excellence in shaping the future of India’s premier educational bodies.

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