In a progressive move, the Gujarat High Court has paved the way for a dedicated helpline, numbered 14449, aimed at addressing complaints against police misconduct. The state government, through Advocate General Kamal Trivedi, submitted an affidavit to the High Court, revealing plans for the helpline’s launch within the next 15 days. This initiative comes in response to a suo motu public interest litigation triggered by a disturbing incident where a couple was extorted Rs 60,000 by traffic cops and a traffic regulation brigade personnel while traveling late at night.

Advocate General Trivedi presented the comprehensive affidavit, emphasizing that the helpline would serve as an independent platform for reporting instances of police misconduct. The 24/7 operational helpline, similar to the emergency 100 helpline, aims to provide citizens with a dedicated avenue for lodging complaints.

During the court hearing, Trivedi disclosed that the Union Ministry of Communications had allotted the shortcode 14449 to the state government for this purpose. However, he acknowledged that the helpline had not yet been activated by service providers, citing possible technical issues. He estimated that resolving these glitches would take approximately 15 days.

Representing amicus curiae Shalin Mehta, Krina Kalla raised concerns about the memorability of the helpline number ‘14449’ and suggested opting for a more memorable, rhyming number. In response, Advocate General Trivedi defended the choice, drawing a favorable comparison to the existing helpline number ‘1064’ for the Anti-Corruption Bureau. He clarified that assigning special numbers falls under the jurisdiction of the Centre and assured the bench that the new helpline number would be extensively promoted.

The court, after considering the arguments, decided to reconvene for a further hearing on February 16, keeping a close eye on the progress of this groundbreaking initiative.


The genesis of this initiative lies in an unfortunate incident that occurred on August 25. Milan Kela, accompanied by his wife Priyanka and their one-year-old son, was returning from Thailand when they were halted near Ongjad Toll Plaza. The couple alleged that they were extorted Rs 60,000 by two traffic cops and an LRD jawan. Subsequently, following the incident report, the accused individuals were apprehended.

The move to establish a dedicated helpline is a proactive response by the Gujarat High Court to address such instances of police misconduct. The court had previously suggested the idea during an earlier hearing last year, indicating a commitment to enhancing accountability and transparency in law enforcement.


The forthcoming launch of the helpline number 14449 reflects a commendable effort by the Gujarat government to empower citizens in reporting misconduct by law enforcement authorities. The decision to create a dedicated platform highlights a commitment to accountability, transparency, and the protection of citizens’ rights. As the state government prepares to roll out the helpline within the next 15 days, the public can anticipate a more accessible and efficient mechanism for addressing grievances against police misconduct.

The court’s decision to reconvene on February 16 underscores the importance placed on monitoring the progress of this initiative. It is a step forward in ensuring that the helpline operates effectively and fulfills its intended purpose of providing a reliable avenue for citizens to voice concerns and seek resolution in cases of police misconduct.

As the new helpline takes shape, it is essential for the state government to address any technical issues promptly and for the public to be made aware of this crucial resource. The success of this initiative hinges not only on its implementation but also on the active participation and trust of the public in utilizing the helpline to report instances of police misconduct. The move by the Gujarat High Court sets a positive precedent and signals a commitment to upholding justice, transparency, and accountability within law enforcement.

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