A full bench of three judges of the Karnataka High Court will hear various petitions filed by female Muslim students against Hijab ban by certain colleges of Karnataka today.  The full bench of 3 judges comprises of Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, Justice Krishna S Dixit & Justice JM Khazi. CJ Ritu Raj Awasthi will be heading the bench of Karnataka HC. Earlier this issue was being heard by single judge. Then the single judge Justice Krishna S Dixit referred it to a larger bench citing that this matter involves an important issue so it should be heard by a full bench.

Senior Advocate Devadatt Kamat is representing the petitioner in this matter. He on the behalf of female Muslim students argued before the single judge that the wearing of a headscarf is an essential practice under Islam religion. And if they are denied entry in the collage because of Hijab wearing then it violate their Fundamental rights which under Article 25 of the Indian Constitution give them freedom of right to practice religion.

The Controversy on banning of wearing Hijab in collages of Karnataka reached Karnataka HC as a Muslim girl Resham filed a petition before the HC arguing that the act of banning hijab in collages and denying their entry on sole ground of wearing it is discriminatory against her and other female Muslim Students. The case is titled Resham Vs. State of Karnataka & others.

Karnataka Govt argued in court that it is not interfering with any religious beliefs by banning of Hijab in campus and that an educational institute is not a place to profess any particular religion. That the govt’s only concern is to maintain uniformity in an educational institute which is absolutely necessary there.

Before concluding and transferring the matter to 3 judge bench of Karnataka HC justice Krishna S Dixit urged students to maintain peace and tranquility as various protests are happening around the Karnataka state and across India.

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