On 12 march Justice Uday Umesh Lalit, Supreme court judge, executive chairman of NALSA set up the first lok adalat of 2022 in all states/ UTs of India in both mode physical and hybrid. Legal service authorities are working under national legal service authority.
According to date available 1.38 crores cases were filed out of which 1.10 crores cases pre litigation cases and 28.3 lacs were pending cases. On Saturday, the lok adalat succeed in disposing of over 40 lakh cases. This is a huge achievement for the first set up of lok adalat in 2022.
The date will add on as the data coming from rural area and some urban area is still awaited. The benches were hold in late evening for disposing the cases. This shows that the number of disposed cases will increase when all the date collected.
Justice Lalit praised the work done by state legal authorities, lawyers, interns, district legal authorities at ground level. He told about importance of lok Adalat for reducing the number of pending cases and burden over courts.
Justice lalit virtually interacted with various states like Manipur, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Bihar, Odisha, Karnataka. Special benches were also setup for resolving cases related to women.
Justice Lalit stressed on the need of speedy and affordable of cases and by his active participation he increased the strengths of lawyers, interns, district legal authorities, state legal authorities.

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