The Apex Court bench, consisting of Chief Justices UU Lalit, Justice Ravindra Bhat and Justice Indira Banerjee, was led by Ashwini (BJP leader), who advocates for banning or regulating the manufacture, distribution and consumption of intoxicating drinks in NCT. Refused to accept the motion put forward by Mr. Upadhyay.

Initially, the court after hearing plea of BJP leader said that the issue was a matter for policy making and not for a court to decide on regulation of alcohol.

But Ashwini Upadhyay wants a limited exemption from the mandatory labelling of alcoholic beverages and tobacco packages. he further said alcohol are just as harmful as tobacco. Seeking limited relief that the drink should also be come with warning about the harm it’s doing to human body; this will be beneficial for people especially young people.”

However, court was not satisfied by the submission, reiterating that it was a political issue and advised lawyer Ashwini Upadhyay to withdraw the petition. CJI Lalit further stated –

Some people say drinking small amounts is good for your health, but nobody says that about smoking. This is a political issue. Please understand.

The court suggested that the complainant should withdraw the matter.

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