Malayalam actress Priya Prakash Varrier, popularly known as the ‘wink girl’, is back in the news but for different reasons this time. Varrier is set to make her debut in Bollywood with Prasanth Mambully’s ‘Sridevi Bungalow’ which was slapped with a legal notice by director Boney Kapoor. The film’s official teaser was launched on Sunday and looks like it tried to cash on Kapoor’s wife and veteran actress Sridevi’s death.
The 1-minute-49-seconds long video depicts Varrier as a lonely actress who died in a fashion similar to that of Sridevi. The ‘Mom’ actress died last year after accidentally drowning in a bathtub in a Dubai hotel.
Director Mambully confirmed the news of receiving the notice and revealed that the name Sridevi is common and the film is a suspense thriller.
Director Mambully confirmed the news of receiving the notice and revealed that the name Sridevi is common and the film is a suspense thriller.
The 19-year-old actress, however, has not given a statement accepting or denying if the movie is based on the life of Sridevi. Her father, too, refused to comment and said that this is for the director and producer to take care of.
As Reported.