At Ghaziabad, May 10, Police and legal advisors were associated with a question at a region court police station a couple of days subsequent to being captured by an agent reviewer for actually looking at a vehicle. The episode happened this midday when Agent Saurabh Rathore, positioned at Bhojpur Local Police headquarters came to the local court for his work. Ravi Sharma, a legal advisor whose vehicle was captured by Rathore and cop Mohit Singh when he was returning from his wedding from hapur On April 27 faced Rathore in court. As per witnesses, there was furious discussion among different legal counsellors when they joined Sharma, who purportedly mishandled the agent.

The legal counsellor likewise guaranteed that cops mishandled him on April 27 and complained to SSP muniraj G. On Tuesday evening, police personnels were positioned at the legal police station to control situation. As per police, mass gathering of legal counsellors caused an uproar outside the station.
City Superindent police Nipun Agarwal and ADM City Bipin Kumar show up at the town hall and explore the issue. No FIR has been registered.

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