On Wednesday, the apex court adjourned the hearing of an application filed by Senior Advocate Indira Jaising against the secret voting system used by various High courts for designating advocate as Senior advocate.

Senior advocate says that the process of secret voting for designation is discriminatory and contains arbitrariness.

Before the bench consisting of Justice Lalit, Justice Ravindra Bhat and Justice Sudhanshu Dhulia she sought to de-tagging her application from petitions challenging senior designation by the High court.

Senior Advocate Indira Jaising said that her application sought a further interpretation of the original judgment passed in 2017. It does not contain the dispute concerning who has been designated and who has not. She requested before the court to de tag e her application and heard her on the central issue of secret voting. Because after clearing the cut-off works they are knocked out by a secret voting system without proving any reason and this is arbitrary.

The court after reading a letter by Solicitor General Tushar Mehta is unwell and cannot attend the hearing today on behalf of the Union of India, so the matter should be adjourned for today.

In 2017 senior advocate Indira Jaising filed a writ petition asking for objective criteria for designating an advocate as a senior advocate. The apex court in the same issued the guidelines and directions for HCs to adopt the same guidelines.

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