Can PIL can be filed against individual.

Public Interest Litigation(PIL) is a right given to all citizen of India in Article 32 of the Indian Constitution. A PIL can be filed in any High court in Article 226 or directly in the Supreme Court Article 32,.In Supreme Court you have to give five copies whereas in High court two copies of petition. It is not necessary for the victim of the violation of his or her rights to personally approach the court. In a PIL, the right to file suit is given to a member of public through judicial activism. where O1R8 in CPC also give us right to file suit againt other person.

The member of the may be a non-govermental organization (NGO),an institution or individual. A PIL may be filed against state government,central government,municipal authority not any private party ,but private party may be included in the PIL as “Respondent”, after concerned of sate authority. i.e. for Example : A private factory in Mumbai which is causing pollution then public intrest litigation can be file against government of Mumbai,state pollution central board including that private factory of Mumbai.

Importance of PIL.

  • The PIL is given a wider description to the right to and personality which is guaranteed under part III of the constitution of India
  • It also gives some kinds of reliefs or remedies under the writ jurisdiction.Through the PIL,any public or person can seek remedy  on  behalf of the oppressed class by introducing a PIL.

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