Don’t tell me about practices, I will decide what practices will be done in my court,” CJI DY Chandrachud said in a remark Tuesday.

Singh was referring to a case of allotments of chambers to lawyers. However, CJI said a listing this week could be difficult.

CJI announced its intention to take on the case on February 3rd.

However, Singh insisted that the matter be heard as soon as possible. He went on saying that it was listed yesterday and its Court practice is to hear the enumerated matters.

This prompted CJI to state that, I couldn’t hear anything yesterday because the board was heavy. If you hold out until 6:00 p.m., you’ll have a problem. I also had some administrative work to do.

Judge Chandrachud revealed that he personally checks all emails every morning to ensure one that the earliest possible date should be given to the matters.

By the night before he had received a list from the AOR, and “99 times out of 100,” he assures the matter will be dealt with expeditiously. Recently, after taking office at the CJI, he issued a directive to the Registrar as well.

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